Kids Bolo Gives Back

At Kids Bolo, we believe in giving back and supporting meaningful causes that impact the communities we have connections with. With your continued support, we hope to continue on this path and help make a difference where we can. 

TCF Volunteering Trip and Fundraising

In 2023, I had the opportunity to travel to Pakistan to volunteer at Summer Camps run by The Citizens Foundation (TCF) in one of their schools in Karachi. It was an incredible experience that I hope to write about in greater detail one day. We combined efforts with our community of parents and followers to help raise over $4,000 USD that was donated entirely to TCF and helped support the education of 32 children.

Pakistan Flood Fundraising

In 2022, when Pakistan was impacted by floods, we opened up pre-orders for our "Bachon Nay Daikha Pakistan" book and donated 100% of the profits to IDRF Canada. Hundreds of you supported us in this initiative and in total we raised just over $3,600 USD. 

We thank you for your continued support of us, and giving us an opportunity to help others.


